2 SEOs and a Microphone: Talking Brand and Local Search

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Take a minute to listen to two of our SEOs talk shop in this episode of 2 SEOs and a Microphone. 

Oneupweb Presents: Two SEOs and a Microphone: Episode Two from Oneupweb on Vimeo.

Moving beyond the excessive focus on keywords and where a site positions, the two SEOs (Dave and Freddy) talk driving mobile conversions, the tools needed for a successful presence online and more.

While the so-called “little guys” may not have the resources and capital that the big brands have, Freddy stresses the need for a strong foundation and a tactical mindset for marketing: “If we do all of these other things right, we are going to drive conversions and we are going to drive sales.”

We end by asking you to think about how the ways your customers are finding you online. To help you in your thought process, consider the following:


How well do you know your target audience? Even assuming you have a good answer for that, follow it up with a second, equally important question: how well do you know how your target audience behaves online?

Who your audience is and how they behave online are two different things. If you’re unsure about either answer, how is it that you’ll ever be able to create a web experience that meets their needs and wants?

You can’t do it without research. So what questions should you be asking?

Here’s a list to help you get started:

1. Who is your target audience?

2. What is an average day like for your ideal customer?

3. How does your ideal customer interact with your brand?

4. What need does your brand fill for your target audience’s lives?

5. What alternatives are there?

6. Who is your competition?

7. Where is your competition?

8. What makes you different?

In case you missed it, check out episode one! Two SEOs and a Microphone: Hyper-Localization and “Sales” Engine Optimization

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Tyler Anderson, Technical SEO Developer I have been a front-end and SEO marketing developer for 10 years now. I first started back in 2013 as an intern working in WordPress theme development. From there I went to real estate and international hotel software development for 8 years in custom programming with virtual tour software, single...

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