Monday Marketing Minute: Google My Business Reviews

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Every Monday, marketing experts from Oneupweb take a minute to give you industry tips and tricks, the newest noteworthy trends, and more.

This week, Ashley Mugnolo and Gillian Cobb talk about Google My Business reviews. We’ll cover why reviews on your Google My Business account are important and how to get your customers to leave one for your business.  Check out the full transcript with the video below and find the full Monday Marketing Minute series here.

Ashley: Hi and welcome to the Monday Marketing Minute. I’m Ashley Mugnolo.

Gillian: and I’m Gillian Cobb and today we’re taking a minute to talk about Google My Business reviews.

A: There are three main reasons to collect reviews. They can help you increase conversions, you can find ways to improve your business, and you can improve the visibility of your business on Google.

G: Reviews are also a crucial part of the decision-making process with 88 percent of consumers consulting reviews before they make a purchase.

A: So how do you get customers to leave you a review? First, you need to make it as easy as possible for them, you’ll want to make sure you are sending them directly to the review page for your business. You can get a direct link by searching for your business on Google, then selecting “write a review” and copying and pasting that URL you see in the browser.

G: Next, you want to add this link to your website, your email signature, and your invoices. The more visible the better. But timing is everything. Make sure you don’t wait too long after you work together, or the experience won’t be fresh in their mind.

A: And make sure you follow up with the customer a few times – sometimes people just need a friendly reminder.

G: So, to summarize, make it easy, make it visible and make it timely.

A: And that’s a quick look at Google My Business reviews.

Both: We’ll see you next week!

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