Introducing Our Mover and Shaker – Rob VanderStelt

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Rob VanderStelt Senior Media Production Manager

This is going to make me feel old, but I’ve been doing this sort of work for about 15 years. I’ve been in the marketing industry specifically for about 10 years, Where I’ve done everything from motion graphics to photography to directing videos for clients. Before that I worked in the visual effects industry, doing visual effects for films like Harry Potter, The Green Lantern and other tv shows and commercials. That was a fun life, but I do love being in the marketing world. You never know what kind of projects are going to come your way and that makes things exciting. You are never doing the same thing twice.

rob vanderstelt

What’s your average day like at Oneupweb?

Is there an average day at Oneupweb? Because I swear every day is different. Though lately the average day has involved a lot of traveling, time spent at airports, on set and back in the office editing videos, photography or collaborating with the team and our clients on the next shoot.

What is your best trait, and how do you use it to help your colleagues and clients?

My ability to figure out how to do something or bring an idea to life. My skillset is large enough that no matter what the idea is, there’s a good chance, I can do it or figure it out.

What do you like most about Oneupweb?

The people 100% We’re like a family and everyone is contributing together to create something really cool.

What do you do when you’re not at work?

Spending time with my two kids (Olivia 5, Reid 3), watching movies and always taking photos with my camera that is always on me.

What are life’s simple pleasures?

The mornings first cup of coffee

Describe yourself in three words.

Creative, laid back, Drinking coffee  

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