Meeting Your Digital Marketing Objectives in Three Steps
You’ve made the commitment to spend more in digital marketing—but how do you go about meeting your digital marketing objectives?
Step 1: Identify Your Objectives
In 2013, asked over 400 digital marketing decision makers to rank the importance of several digital marketing objectives. Chief among them—no real surprise—were driving sales, increasing brand awareness, driving engagement and achieving cost savings and improvements.
The goals are obvious. The means—therein lays the trick. The means requires two global concerns: choosing the right digital marketing model and picking the right team to execute it.
Step 2: Choose a Digital Marketing Model
A recent article from global management consulting firm Booz & Company’s Strategy+Business publication identified four digital marketing models:
- Digital Branders—marketers focused on building brand equity and deepening consumer engagement
- Customer Experience Designers—companies built around leveraging customer data and insights to create and build loyal customer bases
- Demand Generators—creators; this model incorporates all elements of digital marketing (web design, search engine optimization, paid media, social media, etc) to boost sales and increase loyalty
- Product Innovators—companies organized to help identify, develop and roll out new digital products and services
Step 3: Chose the Right Team to Execute
Taking It In-House. One of the hardest decisions CMOs face is evaluating whether their organization has the time, resources and talent necessary to take its digital marketing efforts in house.
Partnering with a Marketing Agency. Of course, taking it in-house is hard work. As stated in the recent Strategy+Business article linked above, “sometimes it’s preferable to leverage outside partners/vendors as the company stitches together the capabilities needed to support the digital marketing model.”
Here at Oneupweb, we don’t necessarily ascribe to a particular digital marketing model—we pride ourselves on being able to do all things digital. If you’re looking to partner with a digital marketing agency, we encourage you to take the time to check us out.