Sharing Our Michigan Love

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Today Oneupweb is excited to host the Michigan Road Scholars, a group of 30-plus faculty members from the University of Michigan as they tour, observe and fact-find their way across the state visiting Michigan businesses. As part of their 3-day journey, they’ll be stopping by Traverse City to visit our office and get a taste of our sweet, sweet marketing world.

With mitten love running through our veins, we jumped at the opportunity to partner with the University of Michigan and the Michigan Road Scholars as they work to develop awareness of and first-hand appreciation for the state’s distinctive geography, economy, culture, government, politics, history, educational systems and health and social issues.

Our CEO, Lisa Wehr, will sit down with the scholars to discuss the history of Oneupweb, the ins and outs of digital marketing and how Michigan businesses can thrive in the global economy.

If our amazing view of Grand Traverse Bay wasn’t enough of a cherry-on-top, we also put together “Road Trip Survival Kits” for our guests.  Packed with Traverse City essentials such as Cherry Republic dried cherries, Deering’s Market beef jerky and Doug Murdick’s chocolate fudge, along with a handy compass, water bottles, reading material and more, we hope they’ll help keep the Michigan Road Scholars truckin’ as they move onward and upward in our state.

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Tyler Anderson, Technical SEO Developer I have been a front-end and SEO marketing developer for 10 years now. I first started back in 2013 as an intern working in WordPress theme development. From there I went to real estate and international hotel software development for 8 years in custom programming with virtual tour software, single...

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