Introducing Taylor Holloran

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Taylor Holloran, Account Manager

I joined Oneupweb after spending five years as an editor and project manager for an electronic publishing company in Traverse City. Before moving to northern Michigan, I worked on the ground for several international aid organizations, supporting development and conservation projects in Argentina, the Philippines and Cambodia. My experience working with diverse teams internationally has helped me become a creative problem solver with exceptional collaboration skills.

taylor holloran

What’s your average day like at Oneupweb?

Plug-in my computer, fill up my coffee, read a few articles to keep up on marketing trends, then dive in. Most of my time is spent responding to client needs, keeping a pulse on our project teams, making sure deadlines are being met, and steering our projects in the right direction. What is an average day going to look like? I can let you know at 5 PM.

What do you like most about Oneupweb?

The support structures here are unbelievable. Everyone across the company will happily jump in to lend a hand no matter how responsible they are for a given project. I have never been more comfortable asking questions or telling the team I need help.

What do you do when you’re not at work?

Outside of work you might see me biking around Traverse City, attacking some home improvement project I’m underqualified for, or hiking with my dog. I also spend a lot of time playing and building guitars, though I am not very good at that second part.

What are life’s simple pleasures?

Cold mornings, hot coffee and new socks.

Describe yourself in three words?

Cheerful, adventurous, hungry

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