Twitter Remarketing: It’s Awesome & You’re Ignoring It

Posted on in Blog

I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about what a slam dunk Twitter cards could be for your business and how ridiculously easy they are to set up. It went over like a lead balloon.

I believe it was officially the least viewed blog post I’ve ever written. (I’m totally not offended. But Twitter should be.)

I fully expect this one to be a close second, and only second if I really work hard to sex it up.

Where’s the love for the blue bird, marketers?

Tragically, Twitter is still misunderstood and underutilized by many brands, particularly in the B2B space. And for good reason. It can be a totally useless time suck if you don’t have your act together.

But here’s the thing—Twitter is really trying hard to make integration and measurement a whole lot easier and more meaningful. And they’re rolling out some great tools that come with very low barriers to entry when it comes to ease of implementation and cost.

The most recent (awesome) Twitter roll out that you likely missed, remarketing! (I heard you roll your eyes, BTW.)

Before remarketing, your Twitter advertising options were basically limited to Promoted Accounts and Promoted Tweets (unless you have a hefty seven figures to work with). The call-to-action for promoted accounts being to build a follower base and the goal of promoted tweets could be any number of user-actions like clicking through to specific promotions/offers, retweets to spread awareness/messaging etc.

Executed with intention, they both have great potential. And they’re cheap. But targeting is pretty limited. And since we’re all wandering through this content marketing war zone, being digitally pelted with content at every turn, limited targeting means your message is likely reaching a bunch of people who aren’t interested. So three weeks into your Twitter campaign, you see really poor engagement, have no idea what it’s really doing for your business, and you turn it off. The targeting options are below by the way.

  • Interests
  • Keywords
  • @usernames
  • Geography
  • Gender

Until now. The targeting options haven’t changed, but with a simple snippet of code, you can now remarket to people who have visited your website (or landing pages) in their Twitter stream. Same really cheap ad, same really simple implementation, better results and better tracking.

Guests in Workshop’s storefront inside Detroit’s historic Fisher Building

Here’s an example of how a small business, like Workshop, could use this. (For the record, I met owner, James Willer while passing through the Fisher Building between meetings last week. James is doing a great thing. His mission is awesome. His craftsmanship is awesome. Detroit is awesome. I want one of everything he makes, with the address stamped vividly on top, and you need to visit his site and store if you’re ever in the area. Yes, I originally hail from the SE corner of the mitten and Detroit, all be it a total hellscape, will forever hold a special place in my heart. The people of Detroit, its unbreakable spirit, make me miss that place every day no matter how glorious my view of West Grand Traverse Bay may be. But I digress.)

Workshop has a cool store front, a basic website, and from the looks of it a growing social media presence. Upon entering the store front, there are several opportunities to pick up a business card for James, upon which is his website URL.

Dining Table from Detroit Reclaimed Lumber at Workshop
The edge of a custom dining table at Workshop (Detroit, MI)

So you visit the website when you get home to figure out just how much you need to save up to snag a Grand Boulevard high top table. You have a toddler and a career and inevitably you lose the business card along the way—hopefully your kid didn’t eat it. You can’t get the table out of your mind, but for the life of you, you can’t recall the simple business name (this is a true story if you can’t tell).

You turn to Google, but surely James doesn’t have the capital to invest in optimizing his website all that much just yet and your attempts at turning up the business take you nowhere. You curse your cluttered life and move on.

You check Facebook, post a query to your Detroit friends to see if anyone can give you the name of the business. Log in to Twitter to do the same. But wait, at the top of your news stream in Twitter it appears. A promoted Tweet from the @WorkshopDET (this is a lie, for now, by the way).

You click, you order, James goes to work.

And you return to Facebook, to comment on your status asking for the business name—letting everyone know, it’s the Workshop, posting a link to the website, raving of its coolness.

And the cycle continues. And James can easily see the success in Twitter’s analytics.

Got it? Want it?

Twitter makes it dead simple to get started.

Have a success story to share? Dish!

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