Healthcare Website Design and Development: BHPI

Posted on in Case Studies

Behavioral Health Professionals Inc. (BHPI) initially reached out to Oneupweb in 2018 for a website redesign. After we launched their first website, they signed on for a maintenance retainer and – later – another website design and development project on a separate domain.

Scope of Work

In less than three years, we’ve completed:

  • Two website design and development projects
  • Website maintenance

Focusing on a Performance Problem

For all our website development retainer clients, we’re always looking for ways to improve the websites. Recently, we were thinking critically about the Google Page Experience algorithm update and wanted to make sure the two BHPI websites were ready.

We used some of our maintenance retainer time to perform a technical site audit and to make improvements to Core Web Vitals metrics, lab-tested speed metrics and mobile UX.

The Results

We increased the site speed performance of and significantly. Here are the improvements shown in Google Lighthouse reports, which use a relative scale of 1 to 100 and data from lab tests of the website:

  • The Health Centers
    • Desktop speed – 64 to 97
    • Mobile speed – 54 to 91
  • BHPI
    • Desktop speed – 75 to 96
    • Mobile speed – 20 to 78
    • Accessibility score – 97 to 100

An important Page Experience metric based on live session data, Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), went from 8 seconds on to 2.6 seconds after our updates. That’s just shy of “excellent” LCP, which is 2.5 seconds. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) also improved, though this metric was already showing excellent performance before we made changes.

Additionally, we improved the mobile browsing experience by revising user interface elements, with a focus on actionable items such as the contact form and calls to action.

We will need to give it some time before we know if these optimizations led to SEO-related improvements like ranking increases. The close relationship between technical website maintenance and search engine performance is why we recommend pairing website development with SEO.

Want to chat about what a website development retainer might look like for your business? Call us at (231) 922-9977 or fill out our online contact form.

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