Client Snapshot: Interactions Digital Roots

Posted on in Blog, Case Studies

With social media increasingly becoming the first and most important touchpoint for customer service, companies need an efficient way to manage these conversations and take care of their customers. Interactions Digital Roots leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to find meaningful social posts, prioritize these posts based on relevance, suggest responses, and gather insights. Their best-in-class social media AI platform allows companies to monitor social activities, provide social care, determine intent and topic, and the sentiment of posts.

Interactions Digital Roots logo.

Sound confusing? Interactions Digital Roots thought so, too. That’s why they engaged us to help them define their own brand, their value propositions, and the ways they would speak to their customers. Our scope of work included:

  • Brand strategy
  • Brand and messaging guide
  • Product demo video
  • Competitor audit
  • Sales and marketing templates

How We Worked Together

Interactions Digital Roots had a lot going for them—a pioneering product; clients like Ford and JetBlue; and a smart, dedicated team. The one thing they didn’t have was a clear grasp on how to position their software in a burgeoning industry full of imitators. They needed a dedicated brand voice. They needed a video prospects could watch that easily explained what they offer. Their sales team needed an elevator pitch and PowerPoint templates.  

We led the Interactions Digital Roots team through an in-depth messaging and strategy session, and they provided us with notes and insights from the dozens of internal meetings their team had already had as they puzzled through the brand message they wanted to deliver. We took all of that information and synthesized it into a concise, coherent brand that allowed them to stand out from competitors and convey the distinct advantages of their AI-based social listening tool. 

What We Produced

interactions digital roots branding
interactions digital roots pdf
itneractions digital roots branded content

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