Service Page Optimization with skoah facial shop – a Success Story

Posted on in Case Studies

Franchises feed off the parent company’s success, but creating their own identity is vital to making local customers feel like they’re getting a special experience. When skoah facial shop needed help creating content to drive service purchases, they enlisted the Oneupweb SEO and content marketing team.

By the end of the six-month project, skoah facial shop increased goal conversions by 33% and increased organic website traffic by 45%.

The Scope of Work

This specific project for skoah facial shop kicked off in early June 2022. Our work included:

  • Keyword research and review
  • Homepage optimization
  • Two location page optimizations
  • 17 new service and product pages
  • Sitemap creation

The Problem

A primary concern with the skoah facial shop site was a need for more content overall. When Oneupweb started with skoah facial shop, only a few pages discussed in detail the services provided by skoah facial shop skin care professionals.

The Oneupweb team wrote several pages to educate potential clients about their facial services. We also created six “skin concern” pages and three “skin type” pages, which educate and drive awareness around skoah facial shop’s core services.

We also optimized the brand’s homepage and the Oak Forest (TX) and Franklin (TN) location home pages.

The goal was to create optimized content that generated awareness of and interest in the services skoah facial shop professionals provide, as well as educational information that prospective clients would want to know before scheduling a visit.

The Strategy

The most valuable tool in Oneupweb’s toolkit for this project was research. Our content/SEO team used keyword research to identify what potential clients were searching for when they went online looking for facial services. We also spent hours researching the beauty industry and our client’s brand guide so we could create the content with the right voice and tone.

Writing content for skoah facial shop required thinking about the purchaser’s mindset at that point of their buyer’s journey.

We decided to fill the funnel with educational information (top-of-funnel content) for potential clients reluctant to book yet. Detailed service process information at the bottom of the funnel provided information for repeat customers or highly engaged new clients.

The Results

The Oneupweb team’s website content creation and optimization helped skoah facial shop increase ranking for keywords and increase site sessions, driving brand awareness amongst a new group of users and meeting search engine requirements for high-ranking content.

From June to November 2022 (the original span of this project), skoah facial shop saw:

  1. 30% increase in first-time facial customers period-over-period
  2. 17,177 new users
  3. 21,764 sessions
  4. 26,918 unique pageviews (up 6.21% compared to the previous six-month period)
  5. 33.41% increase in goal conversions period-over-period
    1. 2,359 Book Now button clicks
    2. 3,170 form submissions
    3. 109 phone call button clicks
  6. 45.45% increase in organic traffic period-over-period
  7. +252 organic keywords ranked for, worldwide

Improving Your Website’s Content and SEO Increases Conversions

While skoah facial shop offers online purchases of some beauty products, their marketing team communicated clearly that services purchased in person were the main goal for improving website content. A 33% increase in goal conversions period-over-period indicates a healthy interest in skoah facial shop’s services and an increase in online conversions for the business.

If your business’s website needs some high-performing customized content and search engine optimization, reach out to Oneupweb or call (231) 922-9977 today.

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