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The Smart Commute Week Challenge

Andy Olds is Oneupweb’s PPC Project Manager and walks, bikes or skis to work regularly. He was Oneupweb’s captain for Smart Commute Week. Tessa Lighty is Oneupweb’s Social Media Coordinator and helped Andy rally the team for the week. As part of an annual celebration of cycling, walking, skateboarding, swimming, paddling, skipping, taking the bus,…

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Videos That Never Were :: Bow Hunting

Sometimes prospects come in the door and, for whatever reason, work doesn’t continue from there. It’s a natural part of being a marketing company. We never want to be the wrong fit for someone but that doesn’t mean we aren’t still proud of the products we create for them. Take, for example, this video we…

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What a Hot Dog Fundraiser Taught Me About My Coworkers

This blog was written by Freddy Hunt, Oneupweb’s director of SEO & Content Marketing. Connect with him on LinkedIn! It’s not easy asking your coworkers to donate their hard-earned money. After all, they come into the office to make money, not to give it away. I was recruited by my brother-in-law to raise money for…

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kristen nelson

Introducing Kristen, Community Manager

Kristen Nelson, Community Manager Small-town, seventeen-year-old me skipped college and spent the early days of the internet as an office manager for a small software development company. It’s funny to think about now, but I built their first website, designed marketing materials with Photoshop that were previously designed with Word, and digitized their bookkeeping literally…

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How to Choose a Social Media Management Tool

Social media is about more than sharing vacation photos, watching cat videos and cringing at distant family members’ political posts. For businesses, these social platforms are valuable tools to build brand awareness, boost sales, engage with current and potential customers, and much more. While these tools are easily accessible, separately managing Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,…

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7 Web Design Tips for Education Sites

Your website is your most important digital asset. For many of your potential students, it’s their first interaction with your school. It not only “sells” your school, for many institutions, it’s also the platform prospects use to apply for enrollment. The website is also an important resource for your current students, alumni, professors, community leaders…

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Beyond the Minute: 7 SEO Myths Debunked

Search engine optimization is something we as digital marketers use every day. These are some of the most common myths surrounding our business. The benefits of SEO shouldn’t be disputed any longer, so let’s lay these myths to rest: 1. Myth: SEO doesn’t work. Truth: Simply put, yes, it does. Search engine optimization delivers organic…

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Applying Personalized Medicine to Healthcare Content Marketing

How should the healthcare marketing industry approach content marketing? How about starting with a simile: Content marketing is like personalized medicine. Allow us to explain. Personalized medicine (PMx), or medical care personalized for an individual patient, grew out of the work in human DNA identification completed by the Human Genome Project in 2003. The genome-specific…

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workers in an open office setting surrounded by plants

How to Celebrate Earth Day When You Work in an Office

It can be hard to celebrate Earth Day when you work in an office all day. If you’re stuck staring out a window at work, wondering how to celebrate Earth Day, try putting some office initiatives in place for a more environmental workplace. Below is what the Oneupweb office does to stay environmentally conscious. There…

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A/B Testing for Franchises

Have you ever sat down with your marketing team to brainstorm ad copy, design a new website page, or select what questions you should be asking your website visitors to encourage them to convert on your forms? Typically, during these brainstorming sessions your team comes up with more than one good idea. So now what?…

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The Tools for Successful Web Page Optimization: Beyond the Minute

There’s science behind the SERP. Results brought to the top of a Google search are there after careful web page optimization. It’s a little keyword research, a sprinkle of image attributes and a dash of coding that makes up the secret formula for a well-optimized page. Lucky for you, this blog has all the web…

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branding consistency for franchises

The Importance of Branding Consistency for Franchises

Maintaining branding consistency when you’re a franchise is one of the most important tools for a successful business. Your franchise’s brand can be one of its most important business assets, if done correctly. It lures potential franchisees and helps to attract and retain your customer base. In this white paper, we discuss the importance of…

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