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A Need for Speed: The Truth about Page Load Time

Think about the last time you were shopping on the internet. If you were looking for something specific, chances are you bounced around from site to site a bit to find the perfect item. But what made you bounce? Forty-seven percent of web users say that they’ll leave a site if it doesn’t load in…

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neon sign says best

Blogging Best Practices: A Cheat Sheet

So, you have a blog. Whether you call it ‘News & Events,’ ‘Insights and Trends,’ or ‘Posts,’ that section on your site has the functionality of a blog. Having a blog on your website gives you the opportunity to create additional content for search engines to index, which is now basically a requirement for domain…

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The Beginner’s Guide to How Responsive Web Design Works

Responsive web design is all the rage. It’s the bee’s knees, the crème de la crème, the top dog, the alpha and omega—well you get the point—responsive design is really important. So much so, that Google is smacking down non-responsive websites. But knowing that your website needs to be responsive isn’t enough. And, though I…

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a gold fish image with "the average attention span of humans is 8 seconds, 1 second less than that of a goldfish"

A Challenge for the Audience We’ve Captured, Despite the Odds

Where is your smartphone right now? Maybe it’s on the desk next to the computer you’re using to read this post. Maybe you’re reading this post on your phone. Maybe you’re thinking, “Gotcha! I don’t have a smartphone! You digital marketers think you know me, but you don’t.” Actually, we do. We’ve seen the data…

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many people sitting in a row writing in their individual notebooks

SMX: Continuing Our Education

SMX Advanced is a great opportunity to hear from some of the most compelling innovators in the digital marketing space, network with peers, and investigate new tools. We are super excited to be sending our CEO, Fernando Meza; Senior Business Strategy Manager, Dave Doran; and our Director of Paid Strategy, Shawn Finn. They are ready…

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google logo on top of a building with lots of windows

New Google AdWords Feature Rolling Out Soon

Expanded Text Ads Will Help Qualify Users Pre-Click It appears that Google will begin testing a new ad format in the coming months. Expanded Text Ads is a closed beta test for select advertisers that will eventually be rolled out to all AdWords advertisers.  Google has yet to confirm the exact date but we’d anticipate…

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4 and 1/2 Signs of a Healthy Content Marketing Strategy

It’s been a year since that first kick-off call, during which you touted your expertise in content marketing, SEO, and generally awesome practices embraced by only the savviest of digital agencies. You and your client speak regularly, and things are going well, but the 1-year mark seems especially ripe for that “look-where-you-were-before-us-and-look-where-you-are-now” moment. Beyond the…

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drawn designed image of the basic design process

Our Web Design Process/Philosophy

At Oneupweb we work with a wide range of industries and client types, which all have different needs, challenges, goals and experiences. What we’ve learned from them over the past couple of years is the process shouldn’t and can’t be the same for everyone. Now we still go through the basic design process, discover, define,…

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a graphic image of a woman wear a jacket, scarf and glasses looks at her cell phone while stirring tea in a mug while text to her left says "64% American adults own smartphones"

The Now and Future of Email Marketing

Don’t Get left Behind.   The question of the day. YOU: Is email marking important? OUW: The answer is, YES, of course! YOU: But why even bother, when people won’t open it? OUW: So you think your email is bad, really bad eh? Well, the least it will do is remind the customer that you…

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Do You Really Need a Home Button on Your Website?

The answer may be unsatisfying: it depends entirely on your audience. But, chances are you probably don’t. First, let it be addressed; for a majority of websites, there must be a path ‘home’ but, where the debate rages regards exactly what that path should be. In the year 2000, Steve Krug published Don’t Make Me…

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beyonce hangs outside a car window during a still from a music video

New Music Tuesday: When Life Throws You Lemons…

By Teighlor Bodrie Have you heard about the latest from The Beygency? Honestly, I can’t believe it’s taken us almost 3.5 weeks to talk about the visual album that’s captivated mmm, everyone? Okay, I confess, I talk about it almost daily – I’m sure the office is probably sick of it by now but, this…

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Volunteering with the Girl Scouts Pays off, Even for this Stressed-out Supermom

Busy? Am I ever! Who isn’t, these days? Being a mother of two, working outside of the home, caring for a puppy, building a new house, and taking care of daily domestic tasks – even if there were more hours in the day it still wouldn’t be enough. Just think if you had someone to…

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