
Marketing Tip of the Week: A Little Sugar

No matter what adjective you choose to describe the best, tastiest, most effective and totally Shweet marketing it’s important to remember that it takes more than just a 50-cent package of Kool-Aid to make your brand flavor stand out. It takes a little something extra that must be mixed to taste, occasionally adjusted and applied…

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Marketing Planning Survival Guide Part I: Google Analytics

Planning your digital marketing strategy can seem a lot like being dropped in the Amazon and fending for yourself. What’s the best kind of trap for snaring the critters I plan on eating? How can I make it to the river without getting hugged to death by an anaconda? And how do I avoid contracting…

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3 Things I’ve Learned From the 31 Day LinkedIn Challenge – So Far

I kicked off this month with a challenge: to write 31 LinkedIn recommendations. It’s just about the half-way point, and here is what I’ve learned so far. 1. LinkedIn is Slow If you’ve ever tried to delete a post from LinkedIn, you know what I’m talking about. For those who don’t know, after I submit…

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Marketing Tip of the Week: Always Be Testing

  Few forms of advertising give marketers the ability to methodically refine their efforts as paid media does.  We’ve talked before about the value of A/B testing in PPC before, but we wanted to reiterate the message with our Monday tip. So, grab your lab coat and safety goggle. This Week’s Marketing Tip: Always Be…

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Marketing Truths, Private Equity and Google Analytics – New White Papers from Oneupweb

To say we’ve been busy in the content department is a bit of an understatement. It’s been a banner year for content here at Oneupweb, and we’re far from finished. We’ve been so busy, we haven’t been able to properly fill in our avid blog readers with news of our recent long-form work. Over the…

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Marketing Tip of the Week: I’m So Fancy

  From L.A. to Tokyo… it’s easy to get caught up in the aesthetics of website design: beautiful fonts, bold images, great colors, but if your website isn’t helping your customers find what they’re looking for you’re missing the point.  Functionality and user experience should lead your website design project. Want to see it in…

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Allocate Your Marketing Budget Like a Pro: 3 Fail-Proof Steps

Whether you represent a brand that’s large, small or somewhere in between—you’re likely dealing with a marketing budget that feels stretched—at best. Marketing budgets don’t tend to run in excess, despite the fact that digital flipped marketing from a cost center to a profit center for most businesses. So where do you start? How do…

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3 Ways to Overcome Work Stagnation

Oneupweb is located in a tourist town. Consequently, if you live here, during summer it feels like everyone is on vacation except for you. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, there are literally thousands of new people in your town, and none of them are at work. As if that weren’t enough, the Oneupweb office…

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Marketing Tip of the Week: Sometimes You’re Busy

  The Oneupweb marketing team found themselves extra busy this week working on lots of awesome stuff for all our wonderful clients and clients-to-be. But rather than let it get us down and skipping out on this week’s marketing tip, we realized that our busy state of being is this week’s most timely and appropriate…

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So, What’s it Like to Work With Oneupweb?

“Welcome to Oneupweb!” 45 shiny, happy people have formed a human hallway for you to pass through, all cheering your name, slapping you high five. As you near the end of your personal walk of fame, she appears. A crisp, white, linen towel draped over her arm. Champagne in hand. One glass for you and…

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If I Were 22 Again

Wow. What a tough age. I wouldn’t want to be 22 again, but if I were I’d pass a few tips along to myself. Here we go—short and sweet.  What you truly know would fit in a thimble. No matter how book smart you are, you’re a dumb-ass. You have lots of learning to do…

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33 Web Design Terms You Need to Know

HTML, CSS, CTA, RSS, RGB—it’s easy to be confused by the myriad of terms floating around the web. But, when it comes to designing and managing your website the more familiar you are with the jargon the better prepared you are to communicate with your team. For this reason we have compiled 33 need-to-know terms…

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