
Does This Ad Make Me Look Gay? 5 Brands Hitting the LGBT Marketing Sweet Spot

With Pride Month kicking off today, we wanted to turn the spotlight on 5 brands that are hitting the LGBT sweet spot and gaining support from the wider market along the way. With a nearly $800 billion dollar market share and quickly expanding, the LGBT community is a prime audience for brand growth across a…

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Don’t Discount Google+ Yet

Okay, so Vic Gundotra, who led Google+, has left the company. And yes, plenty of sources, like TechCrunch, have reported that the G+ employees have migrated to other teams, which suggests a major shift or complete shutdown. But here are four reasons why you shouldn’t count G+ out yet. Reason #1: Google+ Is Not Facebook,…

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How Journalism Helped This SEO Get Good at the Internet

The job outlook looks bleak for bowling alley pinsetters. Same for typewriter salesmen, travel agents and switchboard operators. So why would anybody want to study print journalism at a time when newspapers are shutting down, circulation is drying out and newsrooms are doing the opposite of hiring? In 2008, this was a very real question….

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4 Things Coaching Taught Me About Operations

Anyone who has had to work with me for more than about a week, knows that I have a special place in my heart for metaphors and analogies. So when the crew asked me to compare my role as Director of Operations to my years as a coach, I was pretty sure this was some…

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Is Email Marketing Something That We Should Consider?

If your digital marketing strategy were a family portrait, email marketing would be the red headed stepchild. Let’s give it a makeover… Why does it matter?  Because it works!  Whether you’re a business that offers products or services that tie to an E-commerce site or you’re a consulting firm that sells high price services, email…

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5 Things Star Trek Taught Me About Account Management

Eric Lingaur here, Oneupweb Account Manager. A few of us at Oneupweb secretly (or not so secretly) enjoy Sci-Fi. We each have our own favorite franchise or series ranging from Star Wars to Battlestar Galactica to my favorite Star Trek. I’ve been a Trekkie for as long as I can remember and something that always…

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Changes You Missed In Search Marketing

We get it—you’re busy; your time is valuable. So let’s cut to the quick and fill you in on some key search marketing updates you might have missed. From the desk of Krista Olson, Oneupweb’s very savvy SEO/Content Marketing Manager (who also happens to make delectable veggie entrees and has been known to cite Osho,…

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Business Owners: Stay on the Front Line

When I started my web design business in 1996, the commercial internet was in its infancy. Back then, I was a Lone Ranger. I taught myself how to code, I answered the phone, met with clients, designed, did collections, negotiated contracts, marketed my business and I learned. I did it all because that’s what you…

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Motherhood & Executive Marketing Positions. Can They Work Together?

I heard the words fall from my mouth two days ago in a conversation with a peer. She was asking me about my decision to maintain a career rather than become a stay at home mom. Her: “Did you consider not going back?” Me: “Sure. I had to ask myself, is it possible to maintain…

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3 Insanely Simple Steps to Keep Business Growth Painless & Productive

Leading a small company has its challenges. As the owner and CEO of one myself, each day is something I can get excited about. Each day can also bring some dread because I never know just what it will hold. There are lots of trials by fire and shoot-from-the-hip situations but it’s my experience that…

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How to Fail Quickly at Blogging; AKA: Blog Post Kryptonite

I should have called this post “WEBINAR RECAP: Big Data.” Would have been a sure fire way to sink it—fast. That’s not generally the goal. I know that. But if we’re talking about colossal failures, it would have been appropriate. Literally. Our worst performing blogs contain the following words: Webinar Recap Big Data Adding the…

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Why Business Marketers are Jumping into Snapchat

I’ll be honest. I had no idea how to use Snapchat until a month ago. Yes, I live and breathe digital marketing on a daily basis, but I had no idea how or why I would want to use it. Snapchat is a mobile app that allows users to send doodled upon photos to contacts;…

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