Content is Dead – Until it is Found
The digital space is always exciting and always moving at warp speed. For me, that means constant engagement, constant connectivity. It is unbelievably overwhelming, yet utterly satisfying. What is content marketing, exactly? It is the melding of art and science, commerce and content, strategy and optimization. Content marketing is an all-encompassing puzzle, where each piece…
Let’s Get Personal about Your B2B Content Marketing
In terms of business value, if all things are equal between you and the competition, are you confident that you’ll win the heart of your ideal customer? Excuse me for sounding like a Cheap Trick, but I want you to want me. Of course it’s one thing to say that and another thing to actually…
Digital Marketing: Pulling Back the Curtain
A Look into the Fantastical Voyage That Is the Redesign and SEO Campaign for Our Own Heretofore Neglected Website We have to confess something. For a while now, we’ve neglected our own website—true, we’ve been pretty busy doing some cool digital marketing for our clients, but the result has been a Frankenstein-esque with a…
Oneupweb to Host Google-Sponsored Event
Oneupweb and Google have teamed up to help put Traverse City on the map! Do you own a business in Traverse City? If so, come to Small Business Training Day where you will learn about a range of topics to help businesses grow online, including: How to put your businesses on Google+ and Google Maps…
Google Begins Calling out Mobile-Friendly Sites in Search Results
Is your site mobile friendly? Google confirmed that it cares about mobile-friendly design a lot when it announced November 18 that it has begun a gradual roll-out of optimizing its search results for mobile users by adding a “mobile-friendly” label to search results that are considered “mobile-friendly.” This change has been rolling out globally over…
The “B” Side: A Mixtape Infographic of Google Facts
Google is one of the most influential companies ever, and it’s practically synonymous with the Internet. This infographic highlights some of our favorite facts about Google that you may not have heard before. And for even more fun facts, watch our video! Is the “Google 15” a risk you’re willing to take? Goats are a…
These Big Brands Took a Google Penalty to the Face
There will always be someone trying to cheat, hoodwink or scam the system wherever money is to be made. In the early years of internet, snake oil salesmen ran amok, uncovering clever ways to “game” search engine algorithms in order to boost their rankings in organic search results. Then the law of the land was…
Timing Your Launch: A Lesson from Kickstarter
Timing is one of marketing’s trickiest details. Think about a time when you and your team thought you had planned the perfect marketing tactic or campaign. But then things didn’t go quite as expected. What happened? Any number of things can sink even our best-laid plans—but maybe it was just bad timing? The Case of…
Marketing Planning Survival Guide Part I: Google Analytics
Planning your digital marketing strategy can seem a lot like being dropped in the Amazon and fending for yourself. What’s the best kind of trap for snaring the critters I plan on eating? How can I make it to the river without getting hugged to death by an anaconda? And how do I avoid contracting…
Stop Going Bald Over Google Local
Author’s note: This is a joint post written alongside Oneupweb’s Krista Olson. She rocks. It’s been a long time coming, but Google has re-invested in its local product, now named Google My Business. For years, business owners, search marketers, and social media consultants have bemoaned the mess that is Google for local businesses. Google local…
Google’s New Effort to Improve Mobile Search
As we know, Internet usage via mobile devices has overtaken access by desktop, and Google, as is its wont, is adjusting accordingly, so that it can continue to dominate search. The big G recently announced that if mobile searchers are thinking of clicking through to a specific page, and that page redirects users to a…
Digital DIY—Operate At Your Own Risk
Digital marketing isn’t as dangerous as, say—mining or something. But it can get pretty technical. So much so, it’s easy to miss some key details. Yesterday, our brand manager Marta was showing me how to put together an email template in HubSpot. She herself is HubSpot-certified (and Google AdWords-certified; and an all-around pretty savvy marketer…