Jump Links and SEO: A Study
Jump links, also known as anchor links, help website administrators move users to the specific information they need within a single page. Anchor links have been a practical element of web design for decades. Today, they may also enable evaluations of user behavior, thanks to Google Analytics 4. Oneupweb tested how jump links and FAQ…
The Low-Quality Traffic Dilemma
Lots of website or app sessions – very few leads and sales. This is the low-quality traffic dilemma, and it’s not what you want. Increase user engagement and focus on the right metrics with a refreshed user engagement strategy – let’s get started! What Are High-quality and Low-quality Traffic Sources? There are no perfect website…
Submitting Your XML Sitemap to Search Engines: Why and How
SEO and content marketing experts Gillian Cobb and Freddy Hunt discuss why and how you should be submitting your XML sitemaps to Google and Bing. Why You Should Submit an XML Sitemap The main reasons to submit a sitemap to search engines like Google is to ensure the most recent version of your site is…
SEO for Hidden Content: Using JavaScript and Accordions
Accordion, tabbed content and other expandable text blocks are solutions for web designers looking to strike a balance between lots of content and clean design. When you package pieces of information into tidy, unobtrusive compartments, you put users in a position to choose what matters most to them. But how do accordions affect SEO, and…
Service Page Optimization with skoah facial shop – a Success Story
Franchises feed off the parent company’s success, but creating their own identity is vital to making local customers feel like they’re getting a special experience. When skoah facial shop needed help creating content to drive service purchases, they enlisted the Oneupweb SEO and content marketing team. By the end of the six-month project, skoah facial…
Twitter, IRL: A Look at How Twitter Has Changed Since Elon Musk Took Over
The digital world has been watching the slow-motion saga of Musk’s high-profile $44 billion takeover of Twitter. After months of very public antagonism between Musk and Twitter’s leadership, the deal is done. Away from the headlines and the dollar signs, we took a look at the platform, its users and what Musk’s Twitter looks like…
Instagram Guides: Everything You Need to Know
Instagram feed posts are a nifty way to pair stunning visuals with neat and concise copy. But what if what you’ve got to say is more than 2,200 characters? Brands still haven’t picked up on Instagram Guides, a feature on IG business and creator accounts that allows for long-form text that supports products, services and…
How a Technical SEO Audit Accelerated Cherry Central’s Growth
Cherry Central was formed as a family-owned farming cooperative with partners across the country. Hundreds of small farms and orchards invest in shared resources and sales opportunities. One of the key appeals of a cooperative is marketing, and it’s a responsibility Cherry Central takes seriously. Cherry Central reached out to Oneupweb shortly after their recently…
3 Tips for Improved Readability: Are People Actually Reading Your Content?
As a content creator, there’s nothing more frustrating than pouring your time, blood, sweat and tears into a blog that no one reads. It’s well established that people rarely read online. Instead, they scan copy quickly to parse out just what they need. So how can we help users find the information they’re looking…
3 Ways You Can Use Animated GIFs in Digital Marketing
While there may be controversy about how to pronounce it, there’s no debate: GIFs kickstarted the shift to short-form video on social media. Before short-form video platforms like Vine hit app stores in 2012 and long before TikTok went global in 2016, GIFs were the most common short video. From Twitter to Tumblr, GIFs were…
How Do You Know When to Change Marketing Agencies?
Your digital marketing partner is a critical investment in the success of your business. Brands need a partner they can count on to deliver results, communicate and drive strategy. We’ve heard plenty of bad stories about working with marketing agencies. Marketing is a long-term investment built on relationships, performance and results. How Can You Tell…
Website Migration Best Practices Ahead of Your Big Move
As companies grow, they need their digital assets to adapt to new priorities and opportunities. In many cases, website migrations are a multifaceted way to solve technical or strategic problems with the current domain, platform or server. No two migration projects are the same. To complete your site migration without losing SEO value, you’ll need…