The Now and Future of Email Marketing
Don’t Get left Behind. The question of the day. YOU: Is email marking important? OUW: The answer is, YES, of course! YOU: But why even bother, when people won’t open it? OUW: So you think your email is bad, really bad eh? Well, the least it will do is remind the customer that you…
Is Email Marketing Something That We Should Consider?
If your digital marketing strategy were a family portrait, email marketing would be the red headed stepchild. Let’s give it a makeover… Why does it matter? Because it works! Whether you’re a business that offers products or services that tie to an E-commerce site or you’re a consulting firm that sells high price services, email…
5 Tips for Goal-Setting in Digital Marketing
If you asked everyone in your marketing department to name his or her top goals for the company, would the answers match up? I’m going to go out on a heavily reinforced steel limb and say, probably not. And that’s OK. In marketing, that highly sought-after “same songbook” is not always the only one worth…