
Facebook Camera-Instagram Face Off

Good day photo people!  Today we’re reviewing the new the photo app from our friends at Facebook: the Facebook Camera App. Why does Facebook have a Camera App? Didn’t they just acquire Instagram? Well, thanks for asking, Dear Reader! Yes, Facebook acquired Instagram and it may seem redundant to have two types of photo apps,…

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Oneupweb Reviews: The Oneupweb Wall Street Journal Documentary

When the film crew was here in Traverse City last fall interviewing and filming the locations it was a fun time. It is great to see in the final documentary how that good time translated over into the film. We are happy to see our #Relentless energy and passion for the digital marketing world premiering on Wall Street Journal….

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Oneupweb: Obama Ups His Game with Tumblr, Instagram, Spotify

The Obama campaign has already made it clear: when it comes to social media, the gloves are off….

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Oneupweb: The Oneupwebber Artists (Part I OUW Culture Series)

In this blog we bring to you a mini spotlight on the some of the artists here at Oneupweb. From comic artists to photographers to animators, we have a great palette of creatives here at Oneupweb. Here are a few we would like to share:…

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Oneupweb Reviews: The Facebook IPO

According to their 188 page public filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, they reported revenue of $3.7 billion in 2011, up 88% from 2010 where they reported $1.97 Billion in revenue. That makes each Facebook user equate to $4.39 each. Facebook states in the document of that $3.7 Billion that their net income for 2011 was reported to be $1 billion exact. That’s 94% increase from 2010….

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Oneupweb : Animated Music Videos for the Soul

Animation has a unique ability to translate and speak to our emotions….

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Oneupweb : Pinterest – Selling a (Social) Lifestyle

The hot question every CMO seems to be asking their agency seems to be: “What is this Pinterest thing, anyway, and what can we do with it?”…

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Oneupweb : The Internet’s Dark Day

And while a censored internet isn’t exactly comparable to an apocalypse, I think these bills would be very devastating to the internet as we know it….

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