Google’s New Effort to Improve Mobile Search
As we know, Internet usage via mobile devices has overtaken access by desktop, and Google, as is its wont, is adjusting accordingly, so that it can continue to dominate search. The big G recently announced that if mobile searchers are thinking of clicking through to a specific page, and that page redirects users to a…
5 Fantastic Websites that Encourage You to Play With Your Food
As a creative medium, the Internet has given brands not just a new advertising channel, but new opportunities to entertain, educate and intrigue us. These five food websites remind us of what we knew when we were young—that playing with your food is fun—and present inspiring interactive experiences that strengthen the bond between us and…
Does My Landing Page Suck? 7 Questions To Ask Yourself
Your media buys are targeted. Your ad creative – brilliant. The click-through-rates have never been better… but leads aren’t pouring in. My friend, your landing page just might suck. Ask yourself these 7 questions to start building more successful landing pages, and get the most out of your ever diminishing advertising budget. 1. Is My…
“Make the Logo Bigger!” 5 ROI-Killing Requests You’re Making of Your Marketing Agency
I know what you’re thinking. What makes me, the Director of Sales & Marketing for an agency, qualified to write such a post and expect any of you to think it’s unbiased? Before you draw your gun from the holster determined to blow holes, know this, I wasn’t always on the agency side. Not only…
Oneupweb Webinar: Optimizing Site Navigation for Conversion
Site navigation is more than just a directional guide. Designed properly, it’s a critical marketing tool. Optimized site navigation reinforces personal value, communicating relevance, establishing brand authority and personalizing user experience. Navigation design based on market research and customer data means stronger site performance, improved lead qualification, increased conversion rates and more. On Friday, March…
Cage Match! WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal!
Anytime we get rolling on a site redesign project, we always have to tackle the question of which CMS is “best”. And anytime we’re working on a publishing site, at some point in the conversation we’re going to compare WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. All 3 CMS have very devoted (and ardent) supporters. You can, without…
Responsive What, Responsive Who?
I’ve been speaking with several people in the higher education market, and a topic that keeps coming up is mobile marketing and a need to reach a mobile audience. Whenever I have this discussion, one of the first questions I ask is whether the website is “responsive.” Sometimes, they don’t know what that really means….
Forget the Fold. Embrace the Scroll.
Back in the olden days of the Internet—the mid 1990s—the average user did not know how to scroll down a web page to access additional content, but times have changed. Almost 20 years later, users are now extremely familiar with scrolling, so much so that in 2011, Apple removed the scrollbar from their operating system,…
Dispelling the Top 3 Website Accessibility Myths
Web accessibility—recommendations outlining the best ways to design and build a website for people with disabilities—have been around since the late ‘90s. In 2001, Section 508 went into effect, creating accessibility standards for government, education and nonprofit websites. But it’s only now that web accessibility is gaining traction in the business world. Unfortunately, many myths…
Reaching Your Target User: Step 1 Admitting the Truth
“I do not always realize that I am not my target user.” There I said it. But to cut myself some slack, I think this self-delusion also affects even the smartest and most strategically minded among us. Maybe you, too. So, what’s the issue here? Simply put, we like to fool ourselves into thinking that…
Your Lazy Sunday Reading: Cutting-Edge Web Design
Looking for some light reading this Sunday morning? How about some articles on web design. Sunday morning used to mean a cup of hot chocolate and the Detroit Free Press Sunday comics pages sprawled out on the living room floor. Now it typically means a cup of coffee on the couch and my iPad on…
5 Digital Trends For 2014
It’s December, and 2013 is fast coming to a close. If you haven’t started thinking about 2014, it’s time. Next year is going to be another big one for digital marketing, with big, fast changes in the way people use and interact with the Internet. But don’t fret, we have you covered: #1. Converging Boundaries…