Google Doubles Down on Mobile-First. Are You Ready?
It’s no secret that more internet users are finding information and entertainment on their mobile devices. In fact, the number of Google searches performed on mobile devices exceeded desktop searches back in March 2015! Google recently announced that it will be rolling out a new mobile-first index. What exactly does this mean? It means that…
Wireframes: For Websites That Serve the Human OS
First impressions are tough. Your website has 1/20th of a second for users to make a judgment, and if it passes that test, you have less than eight seconds to get them what they want. The challenge is striking that delicate balance of giving them all the information they want, but not overwhelming the user…
A Need for Speed: The Truth about Page Load Time
Think about the last time you were shopping on the internet. If you were looking for something specific, chances are you bounced around from site to site a bit to find the perfect item. But what made you bounce? Forty-seven percent of web users say that they’ll leave a site if it doesn’t load in…
Our Web Design Process/Philosophy
At Oneupweb we work with a wide range of industries and client types, which all have different needs, challenges, goals and experiences. What we’ve learned from them over the past couple of years is the process shouldn’t and can’t be the same for everyone. Now we still go through the basic design process, discover, define,…
Do You Really Need a Home Button on Your Website?
The answer may be unsatisfying: it depends entirely on your audience. But, chances are you probably don’t. First, let it be addressed; for a majority of websites, there must be a path ‘home’ but, where the debate rages regards exactly what that path should be. In the year 2000, Steve Krug published Don’t Make Me…
April 21 is Mobilegeddon—Get on Board with Oneupweb’s Mobile Response Team
This is the situation. The situation is this: Come April 21, 2015, websites that are not mobile-friendly will see a significant drop in mobile traffic as Google will begin to use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal for searches made using mobile phones. If you’re not sure if your site is mobile-friendly, visit Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test…
Whitespace or Dead Space: Beware the Horror Vacui of Web Design
Snakes, tarantulas, small enclosed spaces, the tallest heights, the blackest nights and whitespace. Some fears are so great that they have plagued mankind for centuries. Whitespace may seem like an odd addition to this list, but I have seen many savvy business men/women fall prey to the horror vacui—the fear of empty space. Don’t fear…
Optimize Your Web Page for Voice Search
Note: This post was created in 2015. While it’s mostly still good info, we recommend checking out our more recent post about optimizing for voice search. And help Google rank your page as the answer to conversationally-posed search queries. In Fall 2013, Google launched the Hummingbird algorithm in part to better understand conversational search queries –…
Google Begins Calling out Mobile-Friendly Sites in Search Results
Is your site mobile friendly? Google confirmed that it cares about mobile-friendly design a lot when it announced November 18 that it has begun a gradual roll-out of optimizing its search results for mobile users by adding a “mobile-friendly” label to search results that are considered “mobile-friendly.” This change has been rolling out globally over…
Cherryland Electric Cooperative and Oneupweb Team Up
“Oneupweb went well above and beyond and gave us back an online presence that truly captures the spirit of our organization” We are excited to announce the launch of the redesigned website for Cherryland Electric Cooperative. Cherryland is a member-owned electric utility that serves over 33,000 members in Leelanau, Grand Traverse, Benzie, Kalkaska, Wexford, and…
What To Expect When You’re Expecting A Website Redesign
The web design guide that reassuringly answers the questions of expectant site owners, from the planning stage through maintenance. Featuring a stage-by-stage look at the growth of your website and complete sections on category-specific needs, your role in the process, choosing an agency—and more. Surgeons provide their patients with a thorough overview of the surgery….
33 Web Design Terms You Need to Know
HTML, CSS, CTA, RSS, RGB—it’s easy to be confused by the myriad of terms floating around the web. But, when it comes to designing and managing your website the more familiar you are with the jargon the better prepared you are to communicate with your team. For this reason we have compiled 33 need-to-know terms…